Show Homes & Rental Properties


We have recently begun working with some independent developers who wish to offer their clients something a little different from the often bland, hotel look, but who require schemes which obviously need to be appeal to the general market. Our first venture was a small development of four houses near Chichester. We offered advice on the finishes, colours and decoration on all the houses and furnished and accessorised one as a show home. The response was excellent and the houses were all sold very quickly.








We are currently working with the same developer on another site with planning for five detached houses and on his recommendation are due to start working with another company, on the conversion of a four storey office in Hove, into seven residential apartments.

Rental Properties

We have also worked with several developers, organising renovations on rental properties, from complete overhauls to a quick refresh over very short timescales.

"Having worked with Georgina on many projects over the past six or so years, I have found her input to be very useful. She develops good relationships with our mutual clients and through her discussing issues and working out the design with them in advance, pre-empts problems and reduces demands on my time. Her involvement certainly helps the jobs run efficiently and the clients are always very pleased with the results."

Gary Miller, GM Building Services Ltd.